vrijdag 13 september 2013


Me, back in July, when I came home after buying 450 canvasses from Xenos. The canvasses are 20x20 cm and we are going to use them for all the elementary children of the island. The children will paint self portraits. Why? As a present for the King and Queen who will visit the island 15 November! By now, all the materials have reached the island, the schools have their schedules and Oct. 7 we are going to start.

woensdag 11 september 2013

Statia Pride

I have taken the initiative to do a project on St. Eustatius. Statia Pride was willing to help me with it. On this blog I will write about the project and I will post pictures. 

This first blog is about Statia Pride. Statia Pride is known on St. Eustatius as a foundation that helps beautifying the island and that wants to increase awareness of threats to the environment. 

Here are some projects they have done recently:

Near the Catholic Church

Near the museum

Cleaning up the Jewish Cemetery

Beautifying the Terminal Playground

Terminal Playground