donderdag 17 oktober 2013

Help from Dennis

Olga went by the two shops that sell wood. One does have panels we could use, but if we buy that, it will cost us 800 dollars. This is plywood and we could use less heavy panels. We decided to ask Leen de Jong, director of the Gwendoline van Puttenschool. They do have wood there at the school.  Luckily it is herfstvakantie and the new "houtbewerkingsteacher" Dennis van Nielen was present at the school. He was sitting in the patio behind his laptop. He was trying tonsend pictures to his former students in Rotterdam. We talked about "buurman en buurman", he said he always imitated them in class in Holland. We thought the Statia students might like buurman en buurman aswell.
When he was finished, he showed me his workplace. It has all the equipment that is needed and three large airconditioning machines hanging on the wall. There also is a seperate class for his theorylessons and outside there is working space aswell as two containers for supply. We founf exactly the amount of wood we need and Dennis said he will do this job with his students, he will make it prefab there at the school and take it to the Wilhelminapark in time.

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