vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

Our First Week at the Golden Rock School

Early monday morning we came to the Golden Rockschool. All the children were gathered for the week opening and the principal, Rosalie Lopes, introduced us to the children. We had the opportunity to tell the children what we were going to do the coming week, but they allready knew. Ms. Lopes had three big tables ready, the church had brought them and had figured out that we best started with the highest classes. That appeared to be a good idea, because day by day we became better at our job. By the end of the week we were such a smooth team that working with the little ones, that need so much attention, was a breeze. Thank you Rosalie for your hospitality, thanks to all the teachers who were so enthusiastic and encouraging toward the children. And thank you, lovely children for the wonderful pieces of art you made. Some of the children did not understand they would eventually get their picture back. We keep them with us, until the King is back in Holland and then we give them back to the school.

Here is an photo impression of our first succesfull week:

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